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Tuesday, October 18, 2011 is the youngest daughter's wedding procession peak lane X, GKR Bendara with KPH Yudanegara at the Palace Ngayogyakarto Sultanate. In addition to the president and vice president, several guests from friendly countries also attended the wedding procession of the Sultan's daughter.
A total of 150 famous place that serves drinks and food is prepared to welcome the youngest daughter's wedding lane X, Gusti Kanjeng Bendara Queen with Prince Kanjeng Haryo Yudanegara.
There are at least 50 tourists from Japan who confirmed attendance to witness the king's youngest daughter's wedding was Ngayogyakarta village. The guests of the country as a cherry was indeed invited guests from the palace because the relationship between the palace, and royal government in Japan.
Several roads were closed, among other roads around the North Square, the intersection of four Central Post Office, Jalan Ahmad Yani to Malioboro will be closed after 16.00 pm before the procession took place.
Malioboro area after closing at 15.30 pm or after 16:00 pm so as not to harm the citizens who will shop and the merchants.
Berita, Berita Terhangat, Berita Terbaru, Berita Terkini, gosip terbaru, Info Selebrity, Artis, Info Artis, Seputar Artis, info selebrity
A total of 150 famous place that serves drinks and food is prepared to welcome the youngest daughter's wedding lane X, Gusti Kanjeng Bendara Queen with Prince Kanjeng Haryo Yudanegara.
There are at least 50 tourists from Japan who confirmed attendance to witness the king's youngest daughter's wedding was Ngayogyakarta village. The guests of the country as a cherry was indeed invited guests from the palace because the relationship between the palace, and royal government in Japan.
Several roads were closed, among other roads around the North Square, the intersection of four Central Post Office, Jalan Ahmad Yani to Malioboro will be closed after 16.00 pm before the procession took place.
Malioboro area after closing at 15.30 pm or after 16:00 pm so as not to harm the citizens who will shop and the merchants.
Berita, Berita Terhangat, Berita Terbaru, Berita Terkini, gosip terbaru, Info Selebrity, Artis, Info Artis, Seputar Artis, info selebrity
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